4 Essential Relationship Strategies for 2024

Say goodbye to the days when relationships were only about the couple involved. Welcome to 2024, where external factors like government policies, religious beliefs, and workplace dynamics play a critical role in shaping our connections.

As we prepare to enter 2024, how can we engage in more deliberate and considerate communication with our partners, family, and friends, both in person and online?

1. Check-in on each other.

And we’re not talking about the basic “How was your day?” Communicating with your partner about your emotional capacity for the day (ie your capacity on a scale of 1-10) can help with understanding and accommodating each other’s emotional states. 

2. Ask how you can support the people in your life.

Text or call loved ones who might be struggling. Use direct communication like, “I want to be here to support you. If you want to talk about it, great! If you don't, how do you need me to show up for you right now?” And then let the other person decide how they want to answer.

3. Create spaces for conversation.

Establish specific times and spaces for important discussions with the people in your life. This helps both individuals experience and process their emotions in a safe and structured environment.

4. Set clear boundaries in advance.

Decide beforehand what topics are open for discussion and which are not (and stick to it!). This ensures that both parties feel safe and not overly exposed during conversations.

We hope that you have a fantastic New Years weekend, and we’re looking forward to connecting again in and throughout 2024.

Let’s heal together!


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